Thursday, January 5, 2012

There has been a book in my library for a long time. Whenever i saw it, i promised myself always that  i would read it the next time but that "next time" came never till the last week. After having started to read i felt sometimes bored and wanted to give up reading. It's called the Disconnected. I'm saying now that i wish i could have read it before. I have finished to read it. I have very different feelings inside me, which i can not explain. It's just like a sad feeling. While you are reading this book you might feel bored, especially at the beginning but then the book becomes a waterfall and brings you fastly to the end. 

This book is over. What happened? I'm thinking of myself and others; who is the Disconnected?
If you haven't decided which book to read yet, it's a really good time to discover the world of the Disconnected ones which belong to Oğuz Atay.

I wish u a world full of books:=)

Photo by BuBu 
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the only book i couldn't finished.

.B. said...

give yourself one more chance to read it...At first the book might seem boring but it really is worth reading....believe me:)