Corina Beczner suggests we might as well be eco-friendly in a lot of other ways in our lives. Even in weddings or funerals..
The new trend in Europe is to throw eco-friendly weddings! ( Actually I do not think this should be advertised as a trend, because it is OUT DUTY to protect the green! Though not everybody cares about the environment, care more about the baby crocodile shoes they wear ( please do not booo me! You know I am telling the truth. )
The environment friendly weddings were once for the hippies with naked feet. Now, the times have changed. Lots of couples find themselves in these eco-friendly weddings to have another meaningful step ahead, along with their marriage says Corina Beczner. The eco-organisations are her job; weddings, parties, meetings..

Here are some tips she gives for an eco-friendly, organic wedding;
* The couples decide how green the weddings is going to be. However, for a start, they could try to reduce the usage of goods that harm the environment. Corina reminds the couples that during the production of jewelry ( which is like the most common thing at any wedding) , toxic substances such as arsenic are used, which give great harm to the environment.
She advises to redesign the old jewelry that we already have. This could also bring out a new talent we have never discovered; jewelry design! This actually is more meaningful than going out to but a new pair of earrings with a necklace that we know once toxicated a hell of arsenic around!! ( Small tip, you could also try to design the jewelry together with your partner, which would be fun , and something to be remembered. Even if the bride does want a brand new jewelry set, try to find a jewelry store which is eco-friendly.
* With buffet meal serving, almost all of the food goes to waste, try serving the meals on family tables.
* Use organic make up :)
* Try to have as much as organic cotton in the wedding dresses ( I know this is quite difficult , though there are also lots of designers that care about the environment, try one of those for the dresses)
* Corina Beczner also advises the weddings should take place outdoors instead of a hotel; less usage of air conditioning, and electricity.
* The menu should include local food. The transfer of the exotic food that will come from long distance will leave a hell of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
It is already quite difficult and consuming to arrange a wedding itself, and try having an environment-friendly one! This will be a lot of work, you will not energy, patience and time.
But at least print your invitation letters on recycled paper, and buy your wedding candies from environment-friendly non-governmental organisations.
37 years of newly married says she has send tiny pinetrees instead of invitation letters. She says at least half of her friends have started growing the pine trees, would not this make you happy as well ?
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If you want to know more about eco-friendly weddings take a look at my blog here...
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