Sunday, August 3, 2008

an old tradition is back to life

As we all know, jeans are dyed blue thanks to the plant called indigo. Before indigo, though, in Europe, another plant was used for color blue, that is called woad, or glastum. Woad was forgotten in sixteenth century, when traders started importing indigo from Far East to Europe.
An Italian brand, Dondup, is now using woad ( Guado in Italian) for its denims belonging to new "Essentia"line. Essentia line in general is a organic cotton line that is basically dyed with natural dyes such as not only Guado but also blackberry and rose madder. is an inspiring website with a strong collection to check. I believe Guando concept would bring a new horizon to the understanding of denim as well...Vintage is a big fashion in denim and all big fashion brands are trying to interprete that term from their points ov views either by Japanese fabrics made by old denim machinery, or by its second hand wash. I never heard of an alternative to legendry indigo until now though...

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